when she was young...

by Va

This lady went to an interview for a security guard in BC corrections. She was about 24 and one of the questions they asked her is 'Why do you want to work here?" her answer was "I like the power of a gun".

She didn't think about how she answered her questions until she was interviewing someone and that question came up and she remembered how she answered at that particular interview and she couldn't stop laughing...the applicant didn't know what she was laughing about.

Thanks for sharing...that is a good one. If you are ever in a situation like that and you recall something you said that sounded funny in retrospect, please fell free to go back and clarify.

You can do it directly with the person you interviewed or with a well crafted follow up note. Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself but do try to clarify your remarks.

Great lesson here for anyone interviewing, don't be afraid to laugh at yourself if you say something silly in retrospect. It shows personality and an ability to laugh at yourself. That will suggest to an interviewer that you have some level of maturity and good sense.

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